Mission Statement

Our goal is to provide a safe and sacred place as you embark on your spiritual journey.

Whether you are new or already on this path, there are always new things that you can learn about yourself.

Whether you want to study Reiki and build your own practice down the road or are curious about receiving a card reading, energy work, shamanic practices, or cord-cutting, this is the place for you.  

Traumas and events that have occurred in your life can be addressed energetically. We will educate and empower you, by providing you with the tools to heal any blocks you may have.

 Our bodies record deep emotions that have been stored away, and often times we are unaware of them until they start surfacing.

 They may present themselves during times of extreme change in your life, during the beginning or end of relationships, or perhaps just when the time has come to start addressing them. 

 Our spiritual work is an ideal complement to any current therapy or other treatment you may be receiving. We are not here to diagnose you, but simply to support you as you dig deep!  The work can be difficult, and encouragement and guidance are essential.

 Love yourself enough to invest in your well-being. You deserve it. We are excited to work with you. 

 With Gratitude & Blessings,

Mari & Darlene

Card Conversation of The Day

Tune in on our Social Media Platforms for Mari’s Daily Card Conversation of The Day! The Card Reading is timeless and meant to be seen when you’re ready to receive the message.



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals


The International Center for Reiki Training